> Bethel Church Begins Live Video Streaming for Services

Bethel Church Begins Live Video Streaming for Services

Bethel Church in Washington, D.C. began providing live video streaming for Sunday service from Sunday, March 29, 2020.

Previously, the church offered live audio streaming only. However, the church decided to provide video broadcasting options to offer better service experience for those who are worshiping at home due to the current situation.

“For now, the DC government allows less than 10 people to gather in one place for a meeting. As we are following the guideline from the local government, we want to still gather physically to hold our services and provide better worship opportunities for those joining us online,” said one member of the church.

“We are thankful for those who worked behind the scene to prepare and set up the technology to get done what we had to for this to happen.

Please pray for the DC church to continue developing and growing to spread the gospel and His truth to one more soul as they obey and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.