> Bethel Church Encourages Members to Stay Healthy

Bethel Church Encourages Members to Stay Healthy

On Wednesday, March 4, Bethel church leaders discussed how to stay healthy and how to protect members from getting exposed to the coronavirus.

As Maryland declared state of emergency with 3 coronavirus cases confirmed, church leaders in Bethel began discussing plans before the situation gets serious in the city.

“We know that what’s important for us to do is pray. We want to ask God for His protection and mercy during this time of trial. At the same time, we want to pray for the best and prepare for the worst. Leaders are thinking ahead of time on what we can do to better prepare in case there is an outbreak in the city,” said one of the leaders who joined the online meeting.

“After Wednesday service, we announced to the members to stay healthy by eating well, exercising, and sleeping well. We also asked everyone to continue keeping up with the basic personal hygiene habits such as washing their hands, staying home when sick, and not shaking others’ hands during this time.”

May God bring relief to many around the world who are suffering due to the virus now. May the Lord also protect everyone in the church and their friends and families.