> Bethel Church Member Teaches Romans to a Teacher from Baltimore

Bethel Church Member Teaches Romans to a Teacher from Baltimore

On Thursday, March 10, a DC member taught a Bible study student a Romans study. The student Tobi is a Math teacher for middle school children in a school in Baltimore and has a master’s degree. He has gotten into a Ph.D. program for Biostatistics, however, he doesn’t start until June. Sarah taught him the Bible study and they will study again next Saturday. After the Bible study, Tobi shared the following reflection.

“Love of God is so vast. When I think of the love of God, I am reminded of the verse in Isaiah 1:18-19 Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. No matter how righteous I think I am, it is God’s love that gives me salvation. And no matter how dirty and sinful I am, God washes me and cleanses me to be white like snow. It is like the parents who always wash their kid’s clothes no matter what. God always loves me and washes my sins. His love gives me salvation.”

Please pray for Tobi to study the Word diligently and grow closer to Christ daily.