> Bethel Sermon: He Will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Bethel Sermon: He Will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire

On Sunday, July 5, Bethel church members gathered and worshiped the Lord together in spirit and truth.

The word of God was from Matthew 3, the testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ the Lord.

“We dove into how the baptist witnessed Jesus as the one who comes to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. In our walk of faith, we must be born again as we receive the truth, especially through the book of Romans, and then earnestly seek God for the Holy Spirit’s power,” said a church member.

“As we are looking to expand and grow our church and members, we want to understand these important steps where we not only help people come to receive salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ but to guide them toward receiving the power of the Holy Spirit to live for the Great Commission and the universal salvation of the world.”

Please pray for DC members to continue to grow closer to the truth as they receive the word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.