> Bethel Sunday Sermon: From Crisis to Opportunity

Bethel Sunday Sermon: From Crisis to Opportunity

On Sunday, July 19, Bethel church members gathered to worship the Lord and praise together Jesus Christ in one heart.

The message delivered was from Acts 8:1-5.

“We’ve meditated on how the Holy Spirit turned persecution of the early church into a greater opportunity to spread of the Gospel further out to Samaria from Judea. We brought this text from the past to re-interpret how our situation in today’s world with pandemic could be a way for us to convert our present-day trial into means of greater advancement for God’s Kingdom,” said a church member.

“There are many people confined in their home. Though we can’t physically get to them, there are many means available for us to get to them with the saving message of the Gospel, through the internet, cyber church, and social media. May God empower all members to use what’s available at the tip of their fingertips to spread the Gospel to all creation, faithfully obeying the Great Commission given us by our Lord Jesus Christ.”