> DC Members Evangelize at George Washington University Despite Cold Weather

DC Members Evangelize at George Washington University Despite Cold Weather

On Saturday, January 6, members of Bethel Church in Washington D.C. visited George Washington University to evangelize in the afternoon.

Although the weather was extremely cold, many degrees below freezing point, members hearts’ burned with a flame of passion to save one more soul.

“Mandy and Grace braved the weather and evangelized. Henry, who joined our church service before, also joined Saturday evangelism together with his friend Mike. We began with the prayer and reached out to people on campus,” shared Bethel Church minister Sam Kim.

Kim added, “Xuewei, a graduate student from GWU, came out to study the Bible with us as well. She is an English major and has an interest in learning the Bible. She previously attended church in North Carolina, however, now doesn’t have a church. We hope she can soon join us and be a co-worker for the Kingdom of God.”

The new semester at GWU hasn’t started yet, however, members are hopeful to witness the great revival as students return to school in the middle of January. Please pray for evangelism to bear fruits with many new souls in the year 2018!