> DC Members Share Farewell Blessings to a Longtime Church Family

DC Members Share Farewell Blessings to a Longtime Church Family

On Sunday, August 2, DC members got together after service to give their blessings to a longtime church family.

Pastor Edward and Joanna’s family is preparing to leave DC to go to Denver, Colorado, and many members came forth to congratulate them and also testify their love, sacrifice, and dedication their family gave while staying in DC for the past four years.

Michelle Mu shared, “Thank you so much for what you have done for DC. May God bless and protect your family more and more in new place! Miss you!”

And Elaine Yoshimoto said, “I really miss you and thank you for all the sacrifices your family have done for DC. May God protect your family and guide new missions there. I really appreciate your prayers and kind words to me”

Pastor Edward’s family encouraged all the DC members to reflect what God has done so far and encouraged them to see how much more God will change the ministries, members and DC in the next 7 years and next 10 years.

Many members were encouraged and came together at the end to pray for their family together with Gloria Li from DC Elim leading the prayer for the people.

May God bless Edward and Joanna’s family as they begin new chapter of their lives for the glory of God!