> DC Sunday Sermon: Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

DC Sunday Sermon: Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

On Sunday, January 24, DC members came together and worshipped the Lord and received the word of God from Romans 5:1-2 with the title ‘Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Members listened to how the life of those who have been justified by faith is in their newly received life in Christ by grace.

Everyone was exhorted to remember that now the life in Christ as justified ones are having peace with God and access to the amazing grace. “We must not live tied to our past sins or old memories. But let us live joyfully running toward the bright future Chris has given us,” said the preacher.

After the service, members practiced choir for the upcoming dedication service that is going to take place in the newly acquired Baltimore church. Members are hoping to offer up beautiful praise to the Lord in response to His amazing grace and gift given to all DC members through the Baltimore church.

“We hope to bring many thirst souls to Jesus Christ as we worship and grow in this new church God has given us. May the Lord do His amazing work through us as the new church is dedicated for His purpose,” said a member.

Please pray for DC to experience an amazing revival as they go toward the bright future ahead of them.