> Mid-Atlantic Region Decides to Hold Joint Pentecost Retreat

Mid-Atlantic Region Decides to Hold Joint Pentecost Retreat

The Mid-Atlantic region in the U.S. decided to hold a joint retreat for the upcoming Pentecost. The region will have three cities gathering, Washington, D.C., Richmond and Raleigh.

Sunday, June 4 is Pentecost and there are less than 30 days remaining.

“It took awhile for us to come to a consensus. Nonetheless, this decision brings us much excitement. The early church made great effort to gather, especially on Pentecost, and they prayed. That’s when the work of the Holy Spirit happened,” shared Bethel Church minister Sam Kim.

He added, “The work of the Holy Spirit still goes on today and we eagerly expect to experience the same miracle as the early church. It is our hope to evangelize and gather people from many different backgrounds who can all come in love and harmony in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

The Christian holiday of Pentecost is celebrated 50 days from Easter Sunday, counting inclusive of Easter Sunday itself, It always occurs on a Sunday and it is also the tenth day after Ascension Thursday, which itself is 40 days from Easter, counting inclusive of Easter Sunday itself.

“In Acts 2, it says ‘when the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.’ Please pray that many in our region can experience the tongues of fire coming to rest on each of them in the form of God’s love and for all to be filled with the Holy Spirit!”