> Three DC Brothers Continue Evangelizing Daily on Campus

Three DC Brothers Continue Evangelizing Daily on Campus

Three brothers are uniting with one another to evangelize daily at the University of Maryland campus. The trio is evangelizing for at least two hours or more by talking to students, praying for them, asking them questions, and inviting students to the Bible study.

Although evangelism can be a difficult task, when it is done together, it can gain momentum and evangelists can receive strength from one another especially when they are about to lose strength for lack of response or discouraging situations.

“I often felt discouraged and couldn’t get myself to talk to people anymore if I got multiple rejections while evangelizing. However, doing it together with two other brothers became big strength because when I am discouraged, the other spoke up and tried to carry the burden. We kept on pushing each other and challenging each other and it gave us more momentum to push forward,” shared one evangelist.

The three are following up with those whom they met to invite them to Bible studies or the church services. Please pray for the evangelism to bear much fruit and many new souls can receive Christ and run together for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.